Welcome to the Association of Northern Stitch Groups
An information and communications hub for independent stitch groups in our area
This new group is a co-ordinating group and is called the Association of Northern Stitch Groups (ANSG).
We are not operating as a charity or trading organisation.
The Association Afternoon 2024
The next ANSG Association Afternoon is on October 26th at Bowburn Community Centre.
Our annual get-to-gether for the ISGs, to enjoy an afternoon of catching up with old and
new friends and help raise money for future projects/workshops/exhibitions
for you to be run by ANSG.
The fund raiser for this event will be stitched greeting cards, and as usual there will be a raffle
and refreshments along with a sale of textile supplies from Kate Slaughter, owner of Kate’s Kloth.
Back by popluar demand there will again be a book stall!
A new idea, for this afternoon, is the Mystery Stitch Pack, bring your usual sewing kit
and all will be revealed on the day.
Our Last Workshop
Our last workshop was goldwork with Heather Lewis, and was held at Bowburn on Saturday 28th September.
There were two kits to choose from, one suitable for beginners to goldwork,
and one for those with more experience.
We look forward to seeing the results of workshop here, soon!
From the previous workshop, you can see below, a photo of
Pat Dickinsons beautiful Crewel work.
The AGM for 2024 was held at Bowburn
on April 27th 2024.
The following is a brief report from the secretary on the afternoon events:
The ANSG Annual General Meeting took place on April 27th and it was pleasing to see that all the twelve stitch groups were represented.
Following the Chairman’s report the Treasure explained the financial report that had been distributed to members in advance of the meeting. The committee were re-elected for a further year and look forward to organizing events for members. The temporary amendment to the constitution was approved so that the three officers will step down from their post over the next three years, rather than all three stepping down together next April. After some discussion with members it was agreed that the length of tenure will be reviewed at a future committee meeting and addressed at next year’s AGM.
Following the business part of the meeting members enjoyed an illustrated talk by Elnaz Yazdani who considers herself to be an educator as well as a textile artist. She explained how she uses the medium of stitch in schools across a variety of subjects in the curriculum to encourage children of all ages to develop a love of stitched textiles. Elnaz also works with groups of all ages and ethnicity in the community and helps them to come together using a variety of stitch based projects. Her energy and enthusiasm for promoting the use of stitched and embellished textiles was most impressive.
At the end of the talk members had the opportunity to look more closely at her work and talk further with her about her ideas for keeping the art of stitch alive in the community.
The raffle, refreshments and fundraiser (stitched gift bags and lucky dip, photos below)
helped to swell the ANSG funds.
The remaining photos are from work by Elnaz from various projects.
We look forward to seeing work from the Heather Lewis workshop along with
this years photos of the Association Afternoon.
Contact Us
If you have questions about the Association of Northern Stitch Groups, please contact any of our elected members below:
Chair: Pauline Oldershaw: chair.ansg2021@gmail.com
Secretary: Sheelagh Barker: secretary.ansg2021@gmail.com
Treasurer: Pat Dickenson: treasurer.ansg2021@gmail.com